Artist Roundtable June 22, 2022, 7-8:30 pm Cary Arts Center, Cary NC
To Frame or Not to Frame – that is the Question.
Come and participate in our first Artist RoundTable starting on June 22, 2022.
We will discuss framing - its process, materials, books, archival approaches, why not to frame, use of frame as conceptual object. This is an open dialogue and overview of a process and practice that may poorly define your work if not done with knowledge of its meaning in the greater art world.
If you are an artist that already knows everything about framing then it is very important that you attend this roundtable to contribute your bias, secrets, and perspective on this topic so others will benefit from your experience. Start to get to know each other in our artist community. Make the community even stronger and more vibrant by your contribution of knowledge and approaches.
If you are a new artist, it will be a good way to start on the road to acquiring knowledge and experience. Visual works and the artistic process in practice is infinite. You will never stop learning no matter how much you know.
I am also in need of a volunteer to join the Programs committee to work in making the Artist RoundTables a vibrant and positive addition to the local artist community. Please consider volunteering no matter your level of knowledge or experience.
Natacha Sochat
Programs Director FALC
email: | mail: PO Box 3361, Cary NC 27519-3361 | office: 301 South Academy Street, Cary, NC 27511FALC is a registered 501c3 non-profit corporation EIN 56-1835366