Please join us for our 2022 Annual Member Show!
All FALC artists may submit one work which will be displayed at the Page Walker. This is a juried show where the following prizes will be awarded.
1st - $100
2nd - $75
3rd - $50
Three Honorable Mentions - $25 apiece.
To participate in this show, click on the REGISTER button at left.
Important dates:
Nov. 1th - last day to register and to submit your art.
Nov. 8th - Drop off day at the Page Walker Arts and History Center, Times 2pm - 6pm.
Dec. 4th - Reception and awards presentation, 2-4 pm.
Jan. 3th - Exhibit ends, artists pick up their art between 2 – 6pm
PLEASE NOTE: Artwork not picked up on Jan 3rd will be charged a ‘parking fee’ of $2 per day.
Show Chair: Linda Hauser
Juror: Jean Grunewald. Jean is a well known, well respected art judge in the region, she is a founding member of www.PAINTNC.org, a plein air group in Raleigh, NC since 2007 as well as member of PSA, OPA, ISA, AAEA and WPSE
Jean is mainly a representational or impressionist painter of almost everything. Lately she is obsessed with lost line and a bit more abstraction.
Questions to: falcmembershow@gmail.com
FALC Guidelines may have changed. Read carefully all the way to the end to ensure your work complies. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in refusal to hang your art even if the art itself has been accepted.
This show is open and free to all FALC members to submit one 2D artwork in any medium which will be displayed at Page Walker.
Canvases must be framed or gallery wrapped, edges painted - integral to the composition preferred but solid painted allowed.
Work must be your original concept, using your own or copyright free reference.
Maximum size:
PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY – Art must not exceed 48” FRAMED in WIDTH. We need to accommodate as many pieces as we can and so it is the width that is most important. If you have questions, please ask falcmembershow@gmail.com. PLEASE do not show up at the event with art that is not of compliant size. It is creates chaos for the show team volunteers.
Not eligible:
Art reproductions - giclees, art prints, etc - not eligible.
Artwork created in an instructional setting, including private instruction, workshops and art classes are not considered original artwork. - not eligible.
No copies, mechanical reproductions, molds or kit work will be accepted.
Copyright statement:
The artist retains copyright to their image(s), however, by submitting to this show, artist agrees to FALC's use of the images for publicity (including future FALC event promotion) and archival purposes. Artist agrees to abide by all rules in this prospectus. Submission of entries and entry fee, which is non- refundable, constitute agreement with all conditions set forth in this prospectus.
Submission Process:
Please send us a photo of your work along with the following information. If you have any questions, contact Linda Hauser at falcmembershow@gmail.com.
We need your information in the following format. Send this information to falcmembershow@gmail.com along with digitized file attached to your email.
Please name your jpg with the same title as your artwork.
For Example: If your piece of art is titled Green Apple, name the digitized image of that artwork greenapple.jpg. Do not submit jpgs with randomly generated titles.
Please use this format for your submission email to the Show Chair:
Artist Name
Artist email
Artist phone
To this email please attach an electronic file of your work. Please make sure it is a jpg and that the name of your jpg is also the name of your artwork. This is to avoid confusion for the volunteer team. Please be clear.
FALC Display Guidelines:
All work must be totally dry and ready to hang.
Ready to hang means the following:
Dates and times
Hanging wire:
Work on paper must be matted and framed. Large works should not weigh over 30 lbs.
Work on canvas may be unframed if the edges are painted as an integral part of the work.
Appropriateness of subject
FALC displays art in various facilities. Town of Cary facilities require work appropriate for a family setting. Not all FALC venues are TOC facilities, but if it is at the Page Walker, Cary Art Center, The Senior Center or other TOC facility, please be aware FALC must follow TOC guidelines. Look at the specific Show Description for these details.
All entries will be handled with the best care possible, but FALC, its members, and the hosting facility shall not be responsible for loss or damage of any cause. By entering any FALC exhibition or venue the entering member agrees to abide by these rules.
FALC requirements
FALC requires a 25% (of the selling price) commission on works sold from these venues.
FALC has the right to refuse work deemed inappropriate or presenting unmanageable display problems.
FALC reserves the right to change these rules at any time.